Trading Voices – The European Union in International Commerical Negotiations
  • Trading Voices – The European Union in International Commerical Negotiations

Trading Voices – The European Union in International Commerical Negotiations

R$ 150,00

Autor: Sophie Meinier

Editora: Princeton

Assunto: Política

Ano de edição: 2005

ISBN: 069112115X



Estado do Exemplar: Muitas marcações a lápis.

The European Union, the world's foremost trader, is not an easy bargainer to deal with. Its twenty-five member states have relinquished most of their sovereignty in trade to the supranational level, and in international commercial negotiations, such as those conducted under the World Trade Organization, the EU speaks with a "single voice." This single voice has enabled the Brussels-based institution to impact the distributional outcomes of international trade negotiations and shape the global political economy.


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