Agir Bem É Bom
Autor: Gabriel Lacerda
Editora: UnB
Assunto: Antropologia
Ano de edição: 2014
ISBN: 9788574582887
Edição: 1
Autor: Jr. Stocking, George W.
Editora: Free Press
Assunto: Antropologia
Ano de edição: 1991
ISBN: 90029315514
Idioma: Inglês
In this fascinating and erudite work, George Stocking, America's most renowned historian of anthropology, probes the Victorian origins of contemporary thought on human social and cultural evolution.
George Stocking examines the portrayal of primitive peoples by Victorian travellers and missionaries. He shows how their attitudes towards the dark-skinned savages corresponded to their view of the proletarian masses produced by the Industrial Revolution.